Cambridge Academy is open from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday during the academic year. Visitors are asked to enter the school through the Main Entrance on Eastman Street and check in with our receptionist. We make every effort to accommodate all visitors, but please be aware during the day, we are unable to make teachers available when they are providing instruction to our students. We recommend that you arrange a specific time to visit our campus if you wish to meet with a teacher or administrator.
Phone Numbers
Front Office (864) 229-2875 ext. 100
Head of School. (864) 229-2875 ext. 102
Admissions Office (864) 229-2875 ext. 149
Business Office (864) 229-2875 ext. 140
Guidance Office (864) 229-2875 ext. 116
DSS Director (864) 229-2875 ext. 116
Student Affairs (864) 229-2875 ext. 142
Athletic Director (864) 229-2875 ext. 136
Fax (Facsimile) (864) 229-6712