Cambridge Academy is proud of our well-earned reputation for creating a family environment which is an educational option for all of the Lakelands. For Cambridge to perpetuate this important tradition, we must be able to accomplish two goals. The first is to create and maintain a preeminent independent primary school with affordable tuition for Lakeland families. Second, Cambridge Academy must create partnerships within the community, our alumni, and our parents to create additional funds for our school.
Continuing to keep our tuition affordable is critical to maintaining the socio-economic diversity that makes Cambridge Academy a desirable option for so many families in our community; however, Cambridge must continue to maintain, enhance, and improve our infrastructure, technology, and curriculum. Cambridge Academy provides many different ways for individuals, families, and community members to join the Cambridge Family. Our Annual Fund helps to supplement the day-to-day operations of the school. The Cambridge Endowment is the avenue that allows members of the Cambridge Family to make a gift that will help sustain the legacy of our school for generations to come, and the Cougar Club supports the school's athletic teams. When needed, Cambridge Academy will also create Capital Campaigns to support specific needs.
If you would like to partner with Cambridge Academy, please contact Dr. Brad Griggs (bgriggs@cambridgeacademy.org ) or Bill Irwin (birwin@cambridgeacademy.org ) at (804) 229-2875